Monday, October 27, 2014

The Five “Hidden” Costs of Digital Sensors (Contd)

Welcome to the Digital Age| Try our Digital Sensors
Welcome to the Digital Age| Try our Digital Sensors |(800) 704-8494
As we covered previously, sometimes digital sensors have hidden costs..

Digital Sensors and Their Hidden Costs

#4 –Bridging Software
Practice management compatibility can be a confusing aspect of digital sensors and their corresponding imaging software.  Most imaging programs can link, bridge, or integrate with your practice management software.  This may be an additional cost that is buried in your sensor quote.  Or, worse, it is sometimes omitted completely.  In addition, make sure that you understand how the bridge works, as well as which “side” is responsible for “bridging” the systems.  The last thing you want is finger pointing when the bridge stops working.  If yours is a new practice and you are not already “married” to practice management software, consider purchasing  sensors and practice management software from the same company.  Companies like DentiMax offer both systems, which completely removes the possibility of this type of finger pointing.

Imaging Software and Final Points

#5 – Imaging Software
The imaging software that comes with your sensor more than likely will not work with a competitor’s sensor.  Unfortunately, your new sensors will not last forever, and when the time comes to purchase a new sensor, if your software only works with one manufacturer’s sensor, you will be forced to purchase their sensors at their prices – no other option.  The deal you are now getting to purchase their initial system may not be the deal you get down the road.  In addition, the company that has the best sensor today may not be the company that will have the best sensor in five or ten years.  Choose a company that provides software that gives you the freedom to use any sensor, digital pan, and/or digital camera.   Fortunately, DentiMax and a few other companies offer “universal” imaging software that works with most sensors on the market.   Locking yourself into a closed software program may make you feel a bit trapped and claustrophobic when it comes time to shop for a new sensor – a real, unfortunate opportunity cost.
Make sure you figure all fees into the total price of your digital sensor purchase.  By looking at the individual costs for support/maintenance, warranties, updates, bridges, and imaging software, you will know your sensor system’s true price.  And armed with this knowledge, you will be able to  cut through sales “talk” and make the best, most informed decision possible.
This concludes our two part series on digital sensors
DentiMax, LLC
4115 E. Valley Auto Dr.
Suite 101
Mesa, AZ 85206
(800) 704-8494