Friday, September 19, 2014

Patient Scheduling: It Can Make or Break Your Practice

How important is patient scheduling?  In a word, vital.

Patient Scheduling: It Can Make or Break Your Practice

By Shelly Mendoza
Today, many dentists face financial challenges that have been generally absent in dentistry.  Your staff’s ability to schedule productive days that increase overall collections is more important than ever.  There is a concept many doctors have not heard of called “scheduling by production.”  This is where your staff members use the features of your software’s appointment book to optimize what you produce and collect each day – and can give your practice immediate financial results.

Patient Scheduling Software: The Foundation of Your Practice

A practice’s financial success all starts with the schedule.
A practice’s financial success all starts with the schedule.
A practice’s financial success all starts with the schedule.  Your staff can maximize your schedule by doing the following:  schedule patients by type of procedure, create simple graphs where they can visually measure your scheduled and actual dollars, and create goals to see how close they are to making your numbers.  These software tools provide an easy guide for your front desk to help them schedule an ideal day that increases your production and collection.  And, maybe more importantly, this will help prevent the crazy overscheduled day that is followed by a day so unproductive that it doesn’t even cover the cost to pay your staff!
Running a productive day, every day, without complication, should be second nature to your staff.  This can be achieved by following these simple “schedule by production” steps:  First, determine how much money it really takes to cover the cost of your staff, pay your bills, and pay yourself.  Second, based on your patient treatment plans, determine how many high production and other procedures should be scheduled each day.  And last, make sure your staff utilizes your software’s appointment template feature to set a schedule that allows them to “drop in” the appropriate appointments and tally up your goal as they schedule and collect.  Following these steps will essentially take the guess work out of scheduling your day.
To read more about this topic, please click here
DentiMax, LLC
4115 E. Valley Auto Dr.
Suite 101
Mesa, AZ 85206
(800) 704-8494
(480) 396-1798